Save the Children brengt met regelmaat rapporten uit over de leefomstandigheden van kinderen wereldwijd. Hieronder vind je een overzicht:

Rapporten humanitair
- Trapped and Scarred: The Compounding Mental Harm Inflicted on Palestinian Children in Gaza (2024)
- Hope and Harm: Children's Experiences of Seeking Safety in Europe (2024)
- Watching Our Every Step: The Deadly Legacy of Explosive Ordnance for Children in Yemen (2023)
- The Humanitarian Fund: 2022 Annual Report (2023)

Humanitair (vervolg)
- Safe for Some: Europe's Selective Welcome to Children on the Move (2023)
- The Experiences and Wellbeing of Children Fleeing Ukraine (2022)
- A Childhood of Fear: The Impact of Genocide on Yazidi Children in Sinjar (2022)
- "Wherever we go, someone does us harm" (2020)
- The Hidden Toll of Violence in Al Hol on Syrian And Iraqi Children (2022)
- Dangerous Delay 2: The Cost of Inaction (2022)

Rapporten kinderrechten
- Gevlucht en geland (2023)
- Global Girlhood Report 2022: Girls on the Frontline (2022)
- Breaking point: Life for children one year since the Taliban takeover (2022)
- The Role of the Dutch Finance Sector in Improving Children’s Rights in Cobalt Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (2022)
- Stop the War on Children: The Forgotten Ones (2022)
- Protection beyond reach: State of play of refugee and migrant children’s rights in Europe (2020)
Resource Center van Save the Children
Het Resource Centre is een online bibliotheek met uitgebreide informatie over het werk van Save the Children en ons werkterrein. De website is openbaar en geeft toegang tot duizenden publicaties. Ontdek het zelf.